Monday, September 19, 2011

Spring 2012 Photo Shoot

The Spring Photo shoot went really well. We had a fabulous photographer, and models. You can check out her website here More photo's coming soon!

Drive down to California

Cavelle Kids, packed up it's Spring Collection and headed down to California from Washington for it's Spring photo shoot.  

Here is how our drive home looked:)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hang Tags

Meaning behind "Cavelle"

What is in a name?
A few years ago, during my engagement to be married, amidst all the bridal bliss and wedding planning, my mother stumbled upon a Yiddish word in an article that has no exact English translation. “Kvell” is a feeling of indescribable joy and pride, such as the feeling a mother has as she watches her daughter walk down the aisle. On my wedding day, my mother said that her feelings toward me could only be described as kvell. I found it fitting to use this feeling for a children’s clothing line; after all, our children are the ones that bring us indescribable joy and pride. I am completely Cavelle over the opportunity to share this clothing line with you and dress the little ones in your life.